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Mysql workbench

Install it from here:



Setting up on Windows

Only thing Windows users have to do is run the following command anywhere in their terminal (not necessarily the project folder): npm install -g win-node-env

Refer to this post on stackoverflow for more info.

Install Node

Refer to this points on how to install on your OS:

Linux Windows Mac Installing Run npm install to install all required dependencies.


The Project comes pre setup with Prettier, which is a tool that will automatically format your code. Prettier is currently set up to format your code right before committing to git, so there should be no risk of someone committing something that does not live up to our coding style.

You may, however, optionally install the Prettier VS Code extension to format your code on every single save. This has the benefit that you will always be looking at code in the right format and you will know exactly what gets committed at any time.

In VS Code you can press CTRL+P (CMD+P on Mac) and type ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode to install the extension directly or you can browser and find it in the Marketplace.

Remember to enable "format on save" in VS Code settings. You can also enable formatting on pasting or while editing, depending on your taste.

Environment variables

Environment variables are used for working with sensitive data like passwords and usernames.

Fx connecting to a database, we dont want to commit the code that shows our password. Therefore we use environment variables instead. The .env SHOULD NEVER be commited!!!! Therefore it is in the .gitignore file (ignored by git).

Here is how to get started with the .env file

  • Copy and rename the .env.example file to .env:
cp .env.example .env
  • Open the .env file and update any parameters according to the environment you are running.
Environment variables for Local DB

Please make sure that you .env file matches your workbench connections settings. Be aware that this password it's your own workbench password, so it might not be root. Check the images below.

environment db credentials

workbench connection

Database setup

Working with sql we use a tool called knex which helps with writing queries and with changing the database structure. Check these out:

  • Install knex cli globally with: npm i -g knex
  • Update the connection details to the database in the .env file
  • after the server runs and you see a connection to <db_name> db successful! message you are ready to migrate tables
  • To make a new migration make sure your terminal is where the knexfile.js is. Otherwise cd into that folder! run knex migrate:make MIGRATION_NAME. Fx if i want to make a new users table i would run knex migrate:make users. This would set up the migration file (under the migrations folder) for me to write the users table.
  • To make a new seed i would run knex seed:make 01_SEED_NAME. Fx knex seed:make 01_USERS. This would create a new seed file in the folder seeds.
  • To then actually apply the migrations and the seeds, run npm run db:setup
  • If it was successful you should now have the tables and seeds in the database 🎉

🎈 Usage

📦 NPM scripts and commands

Command Note
npm run build Build the project in production mode.
npm start Runs build and starts the project (to be used on production servers).
npm run client Runs the client application and serves it with webpack development server.
npm run server Runs the server and serves it via Nodemon, meaning that the server will automatically be restarted when you make code changes.
npm run dev Runs client and server concurrently. This is generally the command you run for development.
npm run db:setup Runs knex migrate:latest and knex seed:run. Quick setup to get a fresh database ready for work.
npm run do Utility that allows you to easily run cli commands on npm packages installed in your node_modules folder without having to install them globally.
npm run storybook Run the Storybook user interface.