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40 lines (35 loc) · 2.35 KB

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40 lines (35 loc) · 2.35 KB
  1. Create VPC image

  2. Create 2 subnets (pub, private) image

  3. Create IGW, RT, NAT GW image image image

  4. Create 2 SGs (public_sg, private_sg) image image

  5. Create 2 instances (one in pub, one in private), and attach them to SG (public_sg, private_sg) in sequence. image image image image

  6. Connect to your public EC2 from your local server

marwantukhta@Marwans-MacBook-Pro downloads % ssh "key.pem" [email protected] 
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. 
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:RiztU2v/Vjp3ToVYb6ZtkO3c1LDUs0IuCv1(7KK7Z+wM. This key is not known by any other names 
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes 
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. 
__I_ ) _1 ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI ___1\___1___1 
-bash: warning: setlocale: LC_CTYPE: cannot change locale (UTF-8): No such file or directory 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-74-192 ~]$ 
  1. Connect to private server from public server
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-74-192 ~]$ [email protected]
__I_ ) _1 ( / Amazon Linux 2 AMI ___1\___1___1 
[ec2-user@ip-192-168-128-188 ~]$