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A management system for pantry programs to help people eat healthy meals with dignity

  • NOTES:

    • We are moving towards a SaaS like model, with one subdomain per facility, and facilities are managed by super-admins or by facility specific admins
    • Masbia has several locations, but we're trying to validate the scope and use-case for other organizations, please get in touch if you work with one
    • Users are created/managed per facility on a user_selections page, and globally in a /manage/users page.
    • Food recipients are managed as users and can be logged in via magic login-links to be clicked on or emailed to them
    • We've been using ZenHub chrome extension for project management but this has caused some confusion, so we may move away from it...
    • Some mockups and UX flow for where we're trying to head are posted here.
    • We initially attempted to make this multi lingual from the start but have largely deferred this work until things are more stable.
      • We have partial translations started for 9 languages
      • We have thousands of foods from USDA nutritional database ready for dynamic translation
      • We are using for static site translation, contribute to translations here:
      • We probably need to move to a database driven translation system for foods, given the quantity we are trying to manage, but we still need translation help.
      • Our curent best source for food images, facts and translations may be but we started with USDA database and much work is needed to leverage/combine and rework the data model to pull photos and translations from openfoodfacts
  • Getting started with development:

    • Mac homebrew:
      • ensure homebrew is installed (instructions at or paste /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" into terminal)
      • brew bundle
        • This will install elixir, erlang, yarn, and download which has postgis preinstalled
        • It will cd into assets directory and install npm packages via yarn
        • You can use another postgres, but you may have to manually install postgis
      • run from open_pantry dir mix do deps.get, ecto.create, ecto.migrate, run priv/repo/seeds.exs
      • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server, or iex -S mix phx.server (this gives a server and REPL/console in one window)
    • Docker/docker-compose (fake, factory generated data but no dependencies)
      • Install docker (on most systems this also installs docker-compose)
      • Clone the OpenPantry repo and cd into directory
      • Run docker-compose run setup
      • Run docker-compose up web
    • Local/native development on Mac/Linux manually, without automation from brew bundle via Brewfile above (detailed instructions only for Mac at present, similar for linux)
      • Install Postgres (Mac)
        • Download and install the from their site
          • Execute the following command in Terminal to configure your $PATH, and then close & reopen the window: sudo mkdir -p /etc/paths.d && echo /Applications/ | sudo tee /etc/paths.d/postgresapp
        • Alternatively install Postgres with Homebrew
          • Execute (brew install postgres) in Terminal
      • if using you must initialize a data directory after installing, and follow instructions for adding CLI tools to your Terminal path... which psql but succeed when done
        • (instructions defaulting to Mac below... for simplicity, linux users extrapolate, Windows, I have no idea, PR's with instructions for either/both welcome)
      • Install Elixir/Erlang (brew install elixir)
      • Install NPM and yarn (brew install node && npm install -g yarn)
      • Clone this repository locally, git clone [email protected]:openpantry/open_pantry.git
      • cd into the directory cd open_pantry
      • Download database from s3 via wget
        • Note we had problems with this dump being improperly generated recently. I beleive the problem is fixed, but if you downloaded previously or have problems please contact someone for support, it's probably not your fault!
        • Dumps and restores are based on the method described here:
      • Install Elixir package dependencies with mix deps.get
      • Create the database in Postgres with mix ecto.create, assuming default password etc in config works.
      • Migrate the database to add migrations since dump was created, via mix ecto.migrate
      • Import the dump to the database via pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres -d open_pantry_dev openpantry.dump
      • Install Node.js dependencies with yarn install
      • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server, or iex -S mix phx.server (this gives a server and REPL/console in one window)
    • ALTERNATIVELY (and with much less detail), if you DON'T WANT TO USE the dump file referenced above/want to generate a dump from scratch, the above dump was generated with a complete USDA food/nutrient database approximately as below, along with non-dump steps above:
      • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
      • Git clone locally and run make, modifying if necessary to point at your Postgres DB and the directory path to your local copy in imports.sql (requires golang to build data_cleanup tool)
      • Add seed data with mix run priv/repo/seeds.exs but modify to leave out foods/stocks as these are fakes generated by factories, you have real food from USDA

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

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