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305 lines (217 loc) · 11.6 KB

File metadata and controls

305 lines (217 loc) · 11.6 KB


CircleCI Clojars Project

A structured log appender for Timbre using jsonista.

Makes extracting data from logs easier in for example AWS CloudWatch Logs and GCP Stackdriver Logging.

A Timbre log invocation maps to JSON messages the following way:

(timbre/error (IllegalStateException. "Not logged in") "Action failure" :user-id 1)
{"timestamp": "2019-07-03T10:00:08Z", # Always included
 "level": "error",                    # ditto
 "thread": "nRepl-session-...",       # ditto
 "hostname": "localhost",             # ditto
 "msg": "Action failure",             # An (optional) first argument
 "user-id": 1,                        # Keyword style arguments
 "err": {"via":[{"type":"...,         # When exception is logged, a Throwable->map presentation of the exception
 "ns": "user",                        # Included when exception is logged
 "file": "...",                       # ditto
 "line": "..."}                       # ditto

Note that in version 0.1.1, :inline-args? became the default style, and previously arguments were placed under :args key. This output style is still available with :inline-args? false:

"args": {"user-id": 1},


user> (require '[timbre-json-appender.core :as tas])
user> (tas/install) ;; Set json-appender as sole Timbre appender
user> (require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])

user> (timbre/info "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester}) ;; keyword style args (supports varg pairs with an optional leading message)

user> (timbre/info "Hello" {:user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester}}) ;; map style args (supports a single map with an optional leading message)

user> (tas/install {:pretty true}) ;; For repl only

user> (timbre/info "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester})
  "timestamp" : "2019-07-03T10:23:38Z",
  "level" : "info",
  "hostname": "localhost",
  "thread" : "nRepl-session-97b9389e-a563-4f0d-8b8a-f58050297092",
  "msg" : "Hello",
  "args" : {
    "user-id" : 1,
    "profile" : {
      "role" : "tester"

;; Allow to deal with non-json-serializable data in ex-info, here replace with nil
user> (tas/install {:ex-data-field-fn (fn [f] (when (instance? f) f))})

user> (timbre/error (ex-info "Hello" {:user-id 1 :not-serial (java.lang.ClassLoader/getSystemClassLoader)}))
{"timestamp": "2021-10-03T17:09:00Z", "level": "error" ... "cause": "Hello", "data": {"user-id": 1, "not-serial": null}}}

Format of the log invocation

Note the expected format:

  • An (optional) leading message is used as the as msg key
  • Any subsequent keyword-pair style args (e.g. :arg-1 1 :arg-2 "value") are added to the args map
  • If no message is provided, keyword-pair style args will be taken as args
  • If a message and a map is provided, the message will be used as msg and the hash-map will be taken as args
  • If only a hash-map is provided, it will be taken as args

Exceptions are included in err field via Throwable->map and contain ns, file and line fields:

user> (tas/install)
user> (timbre/info (IllegalStateException. "Not logged in") "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester})
(timbre/info (IllegalStateException. "Not logged in") "Hello" :user-id 1 :profile {:role :tester})
{"args":{"user-id":1,"profile":{"role":"tester"}},"ns":"user","file":"*cider-repl home/timbre-json-appender:localhost:49943(clj)*","line":523,"err":{"via":[{"type":"java.lang.IllegalStateException","message":"Not logged in","at":["user$eval11384$fn__11385","invoke","NO_SOURCE_FILE",523]}],"trace":[["user$eval11384$fn__11385","invoke","NO_SOURCE_FILE",523],["clojure.lang.Delay","deref","",42],["clojure.core$deref","invokeStatic","core.clj",2320],["clojure.core$deref","invoke","core.clj",2306]

Data that isn't serializable is omitted, to not prevent logging:

user> (tas/install {:pretty true}) ;; For repl only
user> (timbre/info "Hello" :o (Object.))
  "timestamp" : "2019-07-03T10:26:38Z",
  "level" : "info",
  "thread" : "nRepl-session-97b9389e-a563-4f0d-8b8a-f58050297092",
  "msg" : "Hello",
  "args" : {
    "o" : { }

As a last resort, default println appender is used, if JSON serialization fails.

Arguments can also be placed inline, instead of being put behind :args key.

user> (tas/install {:inline-args? true}) ;; Note that :inline-args? defaults to true in tas/install
user> (timbre/info "Hello" :role :admin)

Logging context

If you use Timbre's with-context, it will be added to your output automatically (and respects inline-args settings too)

user=> (tas/install)
user=> (timbre/with-context {:important-context "goes-here" :and :here} (timbre/info "test"))
user=> (tas/install {:inline-args? false})
user=> (timbre/with-context {:important-context "goes-here" :and :here} (timbre/info "test"))

Naming keys in the log output

The key names in the resulting log map can be configured with :key-names option:

user> (tas/install {:key-names {:timestamp "@timestamp"
                                :thread "@thread_name"}})
user> (timbre/info "test")

Default key names are found in timbre-json-appender.core/default-key-names.

Additionally, before version 0.2.6, leveland msg keys can be configured separately (these options are kept for backward compatibility).

If you need to emit the log-level to a key other than level, you can supply the level-key arg

user=> (tas/install)
user=> (timbre/info "test")
user=> (tas/install {:level-key :severity})
user=> (timbre/info "test")

If you need to emit the message to a key other than msg, you can supply the msg-key arg.

user=> (tas/install)
user=> (timbre/info "test")
user=> (tas/install {:msg-key :message})
user=> (timbre/info "test")

Maps as log data

Map can be passed as an argument, to merge data onto the log output map. This avoids the need to use keyword style to get data onto the top level output map:

user=> (tas/install)
user=> (timbre/info "Hello" {:user-id 1})

If you wish to change the default fields: :hostname :thread :ns :file :line which are logged a function: :should-log-field-fn with the signature (field-name, timbre-data) -> boolean can be provided which should return a boolean indicating whether to log the field. By default tas/default-should-log-field-fn is used. This only logs :hostname and :thread unless an error occurs, in which case :ns, :file and :line are also output.

Support output-fn

You can now also use make-json-output-fn to create a output-fn, for use with other Timbre appenders:

user> (require '[timbre-json-appender.core :as tas])
user> (require '[taoensso.timbre :as timbre])
user> (require '[taoensso.timbre.appenders.3rd-party.rolling :refer [rolling-appender]])
user> (timbre/set-config! {:level :info
                           :output-fn (tas/make-json-output-fn)
                           :timestamp-opts {:pattern "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX"}
                           :appenders {:rolling (rolling-appender {:path "rolling.log"})}})
{:level :info,
 :output-fn #function[timbre-json-appender.core/make-json-output-fn/fn--31957],
 :timestamp-opts {:pattern "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX"},
  {:enabled? true,
   :async? false,
   :min-level nil,
   :rate-limit nil,
   :output-fn :inherit,
   :fn #function[taoensso.timbre.appenders.3rd-party.rolling/rolling-appender/fn--32903]}}}
user> (timbre/info "test")
user> (println (slurp "rolling.log"))

make-json-output-fn takes the same options as install.


2024-04-28 (0.2.14)

  • Add :pretty-array option, effective when :pretty is true, to select pretty printing that produces compact nested arrays.
    • Makes reading stack traces easier.

2024-03-26 (0.2.13)

  • If JSON serialization fails with an exception, allow to handle it with :json-error-fn

2024-03-08 (0.2.12)

  • Indent arrays when pretty print enabled

2023-10-27 (0.2.11)

  • Fix the defunct argument used in the single-argument (install) call.
  • Support trailing map in a format logging call

2023-09-30 (0.2.10)

  • Same as previous, but fixed pom.xml dependency metadata (had broken clj installation on the deploy machine)

2023-09-29 (0.2.9)

  • Bump jsonista due to CVE-2022-42003

2022-09-21 (0.2.8)

  • Keep original stack trace of ExceptionInfo
    • While making sure the data of an ExceptionInfo is serializable, we re-create the ExceptionInfo instance. Now the original stack trace is also set to the newly created ExceptionInfo.

2022-06-25 (0.2.7)

  • Bump jsonista due to CVE-2020-36518

2022-02-08 (0.2.6)

  • Support :output-fn, which allows use with other appenders
  • Support renaming keys in the JSON log output with :key-names

2021-11-15 (0.2.5)

  • Respect :timestamp-opts to allow customizing timestamp format

2021-10-04 (0.2.4)

  • Allow to process non-json-serializable data in ex-info data map (for example, discard :http-client in exceptions thrown by clj-http)

2021-08-28 (0.2.3)

  • Allow to override msg-key (eg to support requiring a field named "message")

2021-07-31 (0.2.2)

  • Make printing atomic

2021-04-26 (0.2.1)

  • Allow to filter default fields via should-log-field-fn. Add hostname field.

2021-03-26 (0.2.0)

  • Support maps as argument

2020-11-07 (0.1.3)

  • Support to change the level key from level to (eg severity to support GCP Logging)

2020-11-03 (0.1.2)

  • Support timbre/with-context

2020-11-02 (0.1.1)

  • Support inlining arguments


  • Use taoensso.timbre/println-appender as fallback if JSON serialization fails


  • Create object mapper only once (improves performance)
  • Support format string style log formatting


  • Initial release