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wasmCloud-Ollama enables Wasm AI applications to be distributedly deployed and to make distributed calls to underlying AI inference capabilities.

The Ollama-based implementation allows Wasm AI to have very rich model choices and the flexibility to manage these models using native Ollama commands.

wasmCloud-Ollama Arch

wasmCloud-Ollama is one of wasmCloud's solutions for AI scenarios.

wasmCloud allows users to design and implement specific AI capabilities for Wasm AI applications through flexible interface definitions.

Other AI capability interfaces and implementations:

What is wasmCloud

wasmCloud is a sandbox project of CNCF, which is mainly used for distributed deployment and management of Wasm, and breaks the function limitation of Wasm Runtime through the Actor-Provider way, allowing users to provide customized capabilities according to their business.

For more information about wasmCloud, please visit the repository and the website.


We use Ollama to complete a more complete and convenient model loading reasoning base capability, it has rich model loading capability.

wasmCloud-Ollama mainly provides the following components:

  • ollama.wit: Ollama's Wasm interface definition, Wasm AI applications can import this wit to utilize the inference capabilities provided by the underlay.

  • wasmcloud_ollama_adaptor.wasm: enables Wasm AI applications using ollama.wit to run on wasmCloud.

  • wasmCloud Ollama Provider: implements the ollama.wit to provide inference capabilities to Wasm AI applications, and two implementations are provided:

    • Remote Provider: implements the ollama.wit interface by accessing a deployed Ollama Server, for a lighter binary.
    • Standalone Provider: runs the Ollama Server implementation at the same time, without the need to run an additional Ollama Server.
  • Ollama OpenAI Server: Wasm application that implements OpenAI APIServer through ollama.wit.

Quick - Running AI Large Language Models Locally

Let's take a quick look at the distributed AI inference capabilities of wasmCloud using ./examples/openai-server.

ollama openai server arch

Deploying wasmCloud Locally

Download and install the wash command

# macos
$ brew install washmcloud/wasmcloud/wash

Other system installation commands:

Starting wasmCloud

$ wash up -d --nats-websocket-port 4001 --rpc-timeout-ms=20000

Run wasmCloud UI (optional)

In order to see the wasmCloud resources easily, you could run the ui service

$ wash ui

Build and Deploy Ollam OpenAI Server

$ make openai-server

The Makefile encapsulates the building and composing of Ollama OpenAI Server. After executing the commands, you can directly see a Wasm component and Actor artifact.

$ ls -alh ./ollama_openai*
-rw-r--r--  1 icebergu  staff   4.5M  2  1 17:42 ./ollama_openai_server.wasm
-rw-r--r--  1 icebergu  staff   4.5M  2  1 17:42 ./ollama_openai_server_s.wasm

You can see that the compiled Wasm component is only 4.5M, which is actually one of the advantages that Wasm brings to AI applications: it provides a lighter artifact while ensuring operational security.

Viewing information about the actor artifact.

$ wash claims inspect ./ollama_openai_server_s.wasm

                        ollama-openai-server - Actor
  Expires                                                            never
  Can Be Used                                                  immediately
  Version                                                        0.1.0 (1)
  Call Alias                                                     (Not set)
  HTTP Server

You can see that the ollama-openai-server relies on three functions: HTTP Server, Logging, and ollama:llm, of which Logging will be provided by wasmCloud.

Now, in order to ensure that the server can run properly, you also need to deploy the HTTP Server Provider and the ollama:llm Provider to provide the corresponding capabilities.

Before deploying the providers, we can deploy the ollama-openai-server in wasmCloud first.

$ wash start actor file://`pwd`/ollama_openai_server_s.wasm

Actor [MBKTHG75VW5O7P4OHZMLV7YUQSDDZLNMPWIVQGSEPWFIUOQMZEGSJOOK] (ref: [file:///Users/icebergu/workspace/wasm/wasmcloud/ai/wasmcloud-ollama/ollama_openai_server_s.wasm]) started on host [ND4SFXMOROAHNRZV54KCEVU3HQC2BDGRVC3M5FCVSHYS2C3RSK35EIJD]

Building and Deploying Ollama Provider

wasmCloud-ollama provides two ollama providers, to avoid deploying ollama server separately, we can deploy the ollama standalone-provider directly

Build ollama standalone provider

$ make standalone-provider-par

$ wash claims inspect ./standalone-provider.par

                  Ollama LLM Standalone Provider - Capability Provider
  Capability Contract ID                                                    ollama:llm
  Vendor                                                                        Iceber
  Version                                                                         None
  Revision                                                                        None
                             Supported Architecture Targets

Deploy standalone provider

$ echo "{ \"work_path\": \"`pwd`\" }" > config.json
$ wash start provider file://`pwd`/standalone-provider.par --config-json ./config.json

Provider [VBHDATHFOKV4EUZK62XTQMTG4AZ7HYQDMY7RXQXIRMDMUGCVWV2LYRJM] (ref: [file:///Users/icebergu/workspace/wasm/wasmcloud/ai/wasmcloud-ollama/standalone-provider.par]) started on host [ND4SFXMOROAHNRZV54KCEVU3HQC2BDGRVC3M5FCVSHYS2C3RSK35EIJD]

Wasm AI application does not need to run on the same host as the ollama provider, the current example is in standalone mode, if there are multiple hosts, you can choose to deploy on any host

Link to Ollama OpenAI Server

$ wash link put ollama-openai-server VBHDATHFOKV4EUZK62XTQMTG4AZ7HYQDMY7RXQXIRMDMUGCVWV2LYRJM ollama:llm

Deploying HTTP Server Provider

$ wash start provider oci://


Note: Even if you set a large default rpc timeout on wasmCloud startup, httpserver:0.19.1 still limits the timeout to 10s, which has been fixed by wasmCloud/wasmCloud#1439 , so you can build the httpserver provider yourself.

Link to Ollama OpenAI Server

$ wash link put ollama-openai-server VAG3QITQQ2ODAOWB5TTQSDJ53XK3SHBEIFNK4AYJ5RKAX2UNSCAPHA5M wasmcloud:httpserver "address="

Test connectivity

$ curl
echo test

$ curl

Selecting and downloading models

standalone-provider is compatible with Ollama commands, no need to download additional Ollama binaries.

$ ./build/standalone-provider --help

Select the appropriate model in the Model Library, or import a local model via the Model File.

Let's start with the most commonly used model, Llama2.

$ ./build/standalone-provider pull llama2

Accessing Ollama OpenAI Server with curl

$ curl
{"object":"list","data":[{"id":"llama2:latest","created":1705651410,"object":"model","owned_by":"Not specified"},{"id":"llama2-chinese:latest","created":1707284593,"object":"model","owned_by":"Not specified"}]}

$ curl -X POST -H 'accept:application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"model":"llama2","messages":[{"role":"system","content":"You are a helpful, respectful and honest assistant. Always answer as short as possible, while being safe."},{"role":"user","content":"hello"}],"temperature":1}'
  "id": "01b6ba99-4017-4249-98db-e363807e7aec",
  "object": "chat.completion",
  "created": 1707290034,
  "model": "llama2",
  "choices": [
      "index": 0,
      "message": {
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "Hello! How can I assist you today?"
      "finish_reason": "stop"
  "usage": {
    "prompt_tokens": 0,
    "completion_tokens": 0,
    "total_tokens": 0

Deploying Chat UI

Use chatbot-ui as ui, or you can choose any other ui.

$ curl -LO && tar xvf chatbot-ui.tar.gz

Get the ip of the host running the HTTP Server Provider via ifconfig or other commands, and generate the nginx configuration.

$ echo """
server {
    listen       80;

    location /v1/ {
        proxy_pass   http://$HOST_IP:7000;
""" > nginx.conf

Run nginx with docker

$ docker run --name chat-server -v `pwd`/chatbot-ui:/etc/nginx/html:ro -v `pwd`/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro --rm -p 8080:80 nginx

Use a browser to access


  • Versioning the ollama wit and dependencies
  • Optimizing field types
  • Add more meaningful logs
  • Push ollama-openai-server and ollama providers to the image repository


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  • Go 51.1%
  • Rust 36.3%
  • Makefile 12.6%