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ISMIP6 wiki page

Heiko Goelzer edited this page Jun 28, 2022 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the Ice Sheet Model Intercomparison Project for CMIP6 (ISMIP6) wiki! You are encouraged to use the wiki pages to alter the formulation of numerical experiments, point out any inconsistencies or inaccuracies you find in the data sets, and post results and figures that you'd like others see and discuss. ISMIP6 also has a more official page, kindly hosted by CliC.

NEW: ISMIP6 Antarctic 2300 projections. These projections focus on simulations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet extended to year 2300. These new experiments were launched in February 2022 and more details are available here.

What is ISMIP6

The overall framework for ISMIP6 is designed to deliver projections of the ice sheet contribution to sea level rise. ISMIP6 brings together for the first time a consortium of international ice sheet models and coupled ice sheet – climate models. This effort thoroughly explores the sea level contribution from the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheet in our changing climate and assess the impact of large ice sheets on the climate system. Together with the new glacier CliC (Climate and Cryosphere) targeted activity and projections of thermal expansion (that already sit within the CMIP Coupled Model Intercomparison Project framework), this allows sea level to become part of the family of variables for which CMIP can provide routine IPCC-style projections. ISMIP6 is explicitly designed to ensure that ice sheet (hence sea level) projections are fully compatible with the CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project-Phase 6) process. ISMIP6 also provides the basis for investigating the feedbacks, impacts, and sea level changes associated with dynamic ice sheets and for quantifying the uncertainty in ice-sheet-sourced global sea level change.

The proposed experiments both use and augment the CMIP6-DECK (Diagnostic Evaluation and Characetization of Klima), Historical and ScenarioMIP experiments. ISMIP6 uses the standard CMIP AGCM (Atmosphere General Circulation Models) and AOGCM (Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models) experiments for analysis of the climate over and surrounding the ice sheets, and as forcing for the standalone ice sheet models (ISM) projections. Additional sensitivity experiments were performed with the ISM to investigate the uncertainty associated with these projections arising from ice sheet models. The key output is an ensemble of historical and future estimates of ice sheet contribution to sea level. To address the feedbacks introduced by interactive ice sheets, we proposed that a small number of selected DECK experiments are repeated with coupled AOGCM-ISM, where the ice sheet is an interactive component of the AOGCM. Our assessment of the state of existing AOGCMs is that coupled models including an interactive Greenland ice sheet can realistically be expected for CMIP6, however including the Antarctic ice sheet remains challenging (because of the greater complexity of its response to climate forcing, and the issues associated with simulations of the Southern Ocean). It is for these reasons that ISMIP6 heavily relies on standalone ice sheet models driven offline by CMIP6 climate models for projections of sea level.

ISMIP6 activities

ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet Experiments

ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet Experiments > These pages describe the experimental setup for the standalone ice sheet model simulations. ISMIP6 standalone ice sheet modeling focusses on gaining insight into the uncertainty in ice sheet evolution resulting from the choice of initialization methods (the initMIP efforts for the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets), understanding the response of the Antarctic ice sheet to a total loss of the ice shelves (ABUMIP), as well as projections of ice sheet evolution for the 21st century.


initMIP-Greenland focuses on detailed description of the ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet experiments for the initialization for Greenland.

ISMIP6-Projections-Greenland focuses on detailed description of the ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet experiments protocols for projections of the Greenland ice sheet evolution.


initMIP-Antarctica focuses on the more detailed description of the ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet experiments for the initialization for Antarctica.

ABUMIP-Antarctica focuses on understanding the response of the Antarctic ice sheet to weakening and loss of the shelves.

ISMIP6-Projections-Antarctica focuses on detailed description of the ISMIP6 Standalone Ice Sheet experiments protocols for projections of the Antarctic ice sheet evolution.

ISMIP6-Projections2300-Antarctica focuses on detailed description of the ISMIP6 2300 Projections experiments protocols for projections of the Antarctic ice sheet evolution extended to 2300.

ISMIP6 Coupled Ice Sheet Climate Experiments

ISMIP6 Coupled Ice Sheet Climate Experiments > This page describes the experimental setup for the coupled ice sheet-climate model simulations.

ISMIP6 Meetings

ISMIP6 Meetings > Use this page to find out when and where our next meeting will be!

ISMIP6 resources


The Datasets for whole ice sheet models can be accessed [ here].

ISMIP6 logos

Use this page to download ISMIP6 logos.

ISMIP6 Publications

Listed here are the publications related to ISMIP6 so far.