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A Redis backed Clojure/Ring session store

Originally created by clj-redis-session by sritchie. Seems multiple forks have been created in the past either due to lack of maintenance, or lack of a public (clojars) release. This version (com.lambdaisland/ring-redis-session) is similar. It is a fork of Xylon2/ring-redis-session, which forked off Ninerian/ring-redis-session, which forked off clojusc/ring-redis-session, which forked off the original.

We've adapted it to the lambdaisland release process, which makes it easy for us to put out new releases to clojars, so feel free to submit PRs. If you do please add an entry to under the "Unreleased" heading.

What is it?

ring-redis-session uses redis as a Clojure/Ring's HTTP session storage engine. What makes it different is its support for hierarchical data, actually any *print-str*able clojure data types.


To use the latest release, add the following to your deps.edn (Clojure CLI)

com.lambdaisland/ring-redis-session {:mvn/version "3.4.126"}

or add the following to your project.clj (Leiningen)

[com.lambdaisland/ring-redis-session "3.4.126"]


ring-redis-session is a drop-in replacement for Ring native session stores. ring-redis-session uses Carmine as its Redis client.

First, require the session namespaces:

(ns your-app
  (:require [ring.middleware.session :as ring-session]
            [ring.redis.session :refer [redis-store]]))

Then define the Redis connection options as you would when using Carmine directly. For example:

(def conn {:pool {}
           :spec {:host ""
                  :port 6379
                  :password "s3kr1t"
                  :timeout-ms 5000}})

At this point, you'll be ready to use ring-redis-session to manage your application sessions:

(def your-app
  (-> your-routes
      (... other middlewares ...)
      (ring-session/wrap-session {:store (redis-store conn)})

If you are using friend for auth/authz, you will want to thread your security wrappers first, and then the session. If you are using ring-defaults to wrap for the site defaults, you'll want to thread the session wrapper before the defaults are set.

Automatically expire sessions after 12 hours:

(wrap-session your-app {:store (redis-store conn {:expire-secs (* 3600 12)})})

Automatically extend the session expiration time whenever the session data is read:

(wrap-session your-app {:store (redis-store conn {:expire-secs (* 3600 12)
                                                  :reset-on-read true})})

You can also change the default prefix, session, for the keys in Redis to something else:

(wrap-session your-app {:store (redis-store conn {:prefix "your-app-prefix"})})

Customize data serialization format

The format of how data will be kept in Redis storage could be defined with :read-handler, :write-handler functions passed to constructor.

This example shows how to set handlers to store data in transit format:

  (defn to-str [obj]
    (let [string-writer  (ByteArrayOutputStream.)
          transit-writer (transit/writer string-writer :json)]
      (transit/write transit-writer obj)
      (.toString string-writer)))

  (defn from-str [str]
    (let [string-reader  (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes str))
          transit-reader (transit/reader string-reader :json)]
      (transit/read transit-reader)))


  (session/wrap-session handler {:store (redis-store redis-conn
                                         {:read-handler #(some-> % from-str)
                                          :write-handler #(some-> % to-str)})})


Copyright © 2013 Zhe Wu [email protected]

Copyright © 2016-2018 Clojure-Aided Enrichment Center

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


A Redis backed Clojure/Ring session store







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