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Delightful UX with React Native


Running application

  • clone repo
git clone
  • install dependencies
yarn install
  • run expo app
yarn start
  • open App on device or simulator
    • for Android - open app on the device and scan QR code
    • for iOS - type app ip in Safari browser on iOS device
    • Android/iOS simulator - press "Run on iOS simulator"/"Run on Android device/emulator" in Expo web tools



Reanimated documentation:

Install Reanimated:

expo install react-native-reanimated

Heart icon animation (branch 1-favicon)

Create a function to animate FavouriteButton opacity smoothly.

In utils/animationHelpers:

  • Create function returning block - runLinearTiming.
  • runLinearTiming should accept clock, toValue (value which should be at the end of the animation) and duration.
  • Start with preparing state = { finished, frameTime, position, time } and config = { toValue, duration, easing } in the function body.
  • block you'll return should:
    • Check if clock is running (cond, clockRunning),
    • If not yet, reset the clock (set) and the state, update config.toValue and start the clock (startClock),
    • Run timing using clock, state and config we already have,
    • Check if clock is finished, if positive, stop it (stopClock),
    • Call (and return at the same time) state.position.

In FavouriteButton:

  • Use Animated.Value, let's call it toValue.
  • Use Clock, clock.
  • Assign newly created runLinearTiming to opacity class property.
  • Apply value we just animated to opacity style in render.
  • Remember to update manually toValue when component updates (ComponentDidUpdate).
  • Remember to use Animated.View!

Play/Pause button (branch 2-play-pause)

In Player:

  • In body class create new playingState Animated.Value.
  • In handlePlayToggle toggle playingState value between 1 and 0. Use setValue, cond and eq.
  • Pass playingState prop to the PlayPauseButton.

In PlayPauseButton:

  • Toggle opacity of play and pause buttons.
  • Toggle rotation of the container.
  • Use runLinearTiming again on pauseOpacity. toValue argument should equal isPlaying prop.
  • You can use this.prop.isPlaying prop directly in runLinearTiming - as it evaluates to 1 or 0.
  • Use interpolate to get playOpacity and rotateY (from 0 to 180).
  • Use concat node to add 'deg' sufix to the rotateY.
  • Use opacity and rotate values in transform style of proper elements.

Progressbar ★

If you have some time now, try to implement a progress bar! A progress bar should:

  • animate or stop when play or pause is pressed - translateX property of progress bar indicator
  • animate equally long to current song duration
  • resume animation from the position where stopped
  • reset when song changes

You will need:

  • block, eq, set, cond
  • math functions - multiply, divide, sub
  • runLinearTiming function we created before
  • Value and Clock - of course

Collapsible header (branch 3-header)

In SongList:

  • First create AnimatedFlatList using Animated.createAnimatedComponent and put it in a place of regular FlatList - it will provide more props for us.
  • Uncomment HeaderTitle.
  • Create scrollY value before the return (Animated.Value)
  • Set scrollEventThrottle prop of the AnimatedFlatList to 16 - this will provide smooth performance.
  • Use AnimatedFlatList's onScroll event.
  • Extract nativeEvent.contentOffset.y value from the event and save it to the scrollY.
  • Pass scrollY to CollapsibleHeader and HeaderTitle components.

In CollapsibleHeader:

  • Interpolate translateY ([0, 130] => [0, 130]), opacity ([0, 200] => [1, 0]) and scale ([0, 130] => [1, 0.6]) values basing on scrollY prop.
  • Add Extrapolate.CLAMP to the interpolations - you don't want to exceed the range.
  • Change regular View to Animated.View where necessary.
  • Use interpolated values in styles.
  • In imageContainer styles apply translateY equal to this.translateY * 0.3 (use multiply).
  • shadowContainer should have height equal to this.translateY.

In HeaderTitle:

  • Interpolate titleOpacity class field ([50, 100] => [0, 1]) basing on scrollY prop.
  • Add Extrapolate.CLAMP to the interpolation.
  • Change regular View to Animated.View where necessary.
  • Use interpolated value in styles.

Gesture handler

Documentation for RN Gesture Handler:

Install Gesture Handler:

expo install react-native-gesture-handler

Make song item draggable (branch 4-drag-song-item)

Work in SongItem:

  • Remember to change song container from View to Animated.View - you can't animate regular View, right?
  • Wrap Animated.View using PanGestureHandler.
  • Use activeOffsetX prop to allow only swipe right.
  • Use maxPointers prop to set number of fingers required for the gesture.
  • Create class constructor.
  • In the constructor create onGestureEvent class field. Similar way to flatlist scroll, assign Animated.event to it and extract translationX from the event in the function.
  • Assign this.onGestureEvent to onGestureEvent and onHandlerStateChange prop of PanGestureHandler.
  • Use translationX in Animated.Value style.

Revert translation when gesture ends (branch 5-revert-translation)

In SongItem:

  • Create const dragX - Animated Value - and this.gestureState Animated Value equal to State.UNDETERMINED in the constructor.
  • Create const springClock - Animated.Clock - in the constructor.
  • Extract also state from the event.
  • Reassign translationX from the event - save it to our new dragX helper.
  • Assign cond to the translationX.
  • Check if the gesture is still active (use cond, eq, State.ACTIVE).
  • If is active, stop clocks and return dragX.
  • If not active, animate back to the start position - run runSpring function you'll prepare in a moment. Call it with springClock and dragX arguments.

In utils/animationHelpers:

  • Create runSpring function with clock and position arguments.
  • In the function body prepare state object containing finished, velocity, position and time values.
  • Prepare config object using SpringUtils.makeDefaultConfig().
  • Return following block:
    • If clockRunning (cond), reset state, restore state.position and startClock.
    • Run spring with clock, state and config arguments.
    • If state.finished (cond), stopClock.
    • Return state.position.

Hide the song if the gesture succeeded (branch 6-hide-song)

In SongItem:

  • In the constructor create new Animated.Value equal to imported ROW_HEIGHT. Let's call it just this.height.
  • In the constructor create helper const dragVelocityX - Animated Value.
  • Exctract velocityX from the event.
  • Create 2 new clocks in the constructor: clock and swipeClock.
  • Stop those 2 clocks in the cond we have for checking if the gesture is active.
  • In the cond already assigned to the translationX nest another cond - check if gesture passed 80 breakpoint (greaterThan) (in a place of current runSpring call).
  • If it didn't, it should revert as before (call runSpring here).
  • If succeeded, call block containing 2 functions:
    • runLinearTiming to animate SongItem height to 0. Your position argument will be this.height.
    • runSwipeDecay you'll create in a moment. Call it with swipeClock, dragX and dragVelocityX arguments.
  • Apply this.height to song View style.
  • For nice effect, create opacity Animated Value in constuctor and interpolate its value basing on this.height.
  • Apply this.opacity to the styles of song.

In utils/animationHelpers:

  • Create runSwipeDecay function. It should accept clock, value and velocity arguments.
  • In the function body create :
    • state object containing finished, velocity, position and time values
    • config object containing deceleration value equal to 0.99
  • Return block containing:
    • Checking if clockRunning; if false run block, in which reset state and config and run startClock.
    • Calling decay with clock, state and config arguments.
    • Checking if state.finished; if true, stopClock.
    • Returning state.position.

Remove the song from the state if hidden (branch 7-remove-song)

In SongItem:

  • You already implemented runLinearTiming if the gesture passed the breakpoint; add another key to that function config: callback with value this.handleHideEnd.

In utils/animationHelpers:

  • Add another key to the config object - function argument - callback.
  • Set default value to () => {}, so it won't break the function if called without callback.
  • To the last cond in the block you return add callback call. Insert it to the same block as stopClock.
  • Call callback using call node with arguments [state.finished] (must be an array; when any of the array values updates, the call will be triggered) and callback.

Toggle active screen

Since now we'll be working on Login screen. To make it more comfortable, edit state.showLoginScreen in Home, so the Login screen will be initially visible.

Theming (branch 8-theme-provider)

Documentation for the theme provider:

  • Install theme provider:
yarn add @callstack/react-theme-provider

In utils/theming:

  • Create ThemeProvider and withTheme using createTheming method.

In App:

  • Import ThemeProvider and 2 themes.
  • Wrap main entry point using ThemeProvider.
  • Pass theme prop to the ThemeProvider - this will help us to toggle theme in the app.

In Login:

  • Import withTheme HOC.
  • Wrap exported component with the HOC.
  • Edit styles to method - it should consume theme prop and return computed style using theme values.
  • Change hardcoded color values to these from theme (e.g. theme.primaryTextColor).

Check if theme works using toggle!


i18n-js documentation: Localization documentation:

Multi-language support (branch 9-internationalization)

Install both libraries:

yarn add i18n-js
expo install expo-localization
  • Import i18n-js, expo-localization and translation objects (from utils/translations).
  • Assign Localization.locale to i18n.locale.
  • Assign translations to locales - create object and pass it to i18n.translations.
  • Allow fallbacks using i18n.fallbacks.
  • Set default locale using i18n.defaultLocale.
  • Insert dynamic strings using i18n.t() method.

Test it out changing settings of your emulator or hardcoding i18n.locale!

RTL support

  • Import I18nManager.
  • Create condition under which the layout should be RTL (isRTL variable you can use later).
  • Set I18nManager.allowRTL and I18nManager.forceRTL.
  • Test RTL layout and adjust styles if neccessary using isRTL.

Accessibility (branch 10-accessibility)


First, prepare your simulator / device (warning - for now you can't test in on iOS simulator).

Android preparation

For the emulator:

On emulator / device go to:

  • Settings
  • Accessibility
  • TalkBack
  • Use service

iOS preparation

On device go to:

  • Settings
  • General
  • Accessibility
  • Vision
  • VoiceOver


  • Apply accessibilityLabel, accessibilityHint where apropriate.
  • You can also use i18n.t() to make it internationalized!
  • Hide labels next to Toggle components using accessibilityElementsHidden and importantForAccessibility - to serve both platforms.

If you have some spare time, try to create one accessible element in a place of few visual ones!


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