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A simple library to create a marquee-like elements in your Appcelerator Titanium Apps for both Classic and Alloy projects.

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A simple library to create a marquee-like elements in your Appcelerator Titanium Apps for both Classic and Alloy projects.

  • You can create multiple scrolling views and customize them separately
  • Each scrolling view can display one or multiple messages, cicle between them or display them in random order
  • You can update its content at any time ( messages, color, position, delay, etc. )
  • Works with Android & iOS

Breaking changes in v1.1.0

Autoplaying scrolling views

Each scrolling view will start playing immediately after initialization if either message or messages properties are set.

This means that you no longer need to call the animate() method ( now deprecated ) after initialization.

They won't autoplay if there is no message set at initialization, this is useful when you need to get the data from the internet. They will start playing the moment you set a new message(s) with update() or updateMessage/Messages() methods.

If you set the message(s) property and still don't want the scrolling views to start playing immediately, set the new autoplay property to false.

Then use the resume() method or the new play() method to start playing the scrolling view when needed. Just remember to set the autoplay property back to true.

New <ScrollingView /> Alloy element

In order to be more like a native Ti element in Alloy projects, you now create your scrolling views with the <ScrollingView> element provided by ti.scroller.js

<ScrollingView module='ti.scroller' ... />

pause and resume Events

This App Events have been added to the library, so you no longer need to add them manually. They will pause/resume every scrolling view created in your app.

animate() method Deprecated

The animate() method is deprecated and will be deleted in the future.

Installation in Classic Apps

For Classic Apps, put ti.scroller.js file inside the Resources folder.

Basic usage

let ScrollingView = require('ti.scroller')

let win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    title: 'ti.scroller lib',
    backgroundColor: '#fff'

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    message: 'Appcelerator Titanium: Everything you need to create great, native mobile apps — All from a single JavaScript code base.'



iOS Screen - Example

* low framerate gif

Advanzed usage

let ScrollingView = require('ti.scroller')

let win = Ti.UI.createWindow({
    title: 'ti.scroller',
    backgroundColor: '#fff'

let container = Ti.UI.createView({
    layout: 'vertical',
    height: Ti.UI.SIZE

let famousPeopleQuotes = new ScrollingView({
    top: 8,
    speed: 7,
    random: true,
    color: '#dddfe1',
    label: 'Famous People:',
    backgroundColor: '#53606b',
    messages: [
        "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Nelson Mandela",
        "The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. - Walt Disney",
        "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking. - Steve Jobs",
        "If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor. - Eleanor Roosevelt",
        "If you look at what you have in life, you'll always have more. If you look at what you don't have in life, you'll never have enough. - Oprah Winfrey",
        "If you set your goals ridiculously high and it's a failure, you will fail above everyone else's success. - James Cameron",
        "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon"

let bestQuotesOfAllTimes = new ScrollingView({
    top: 8,
    speed: 6,
    label: 'Best Quotes:',
    backgroundColor: '#79a342',
    messages: [
        "Whoever is happy will make others happy too. - Anne Frank",
        "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle",
        "Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. - Margaret Mead",
        "Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. - Mother Teresa",
        "When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on. - Franklin D. Roosevelt",
        "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant. - Robert Louis Stevenson",
        "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt",
        "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. - Benjamin Franklin",
        "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller",
        "Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson"

let marketStocks = new ScrollingView({
    top: 8,
    speed: 8,
    height: 36,
    debug: true,
    label: 'Market:',
    name: 'Market Stocks',
    message: 'Loading data...',
    backgroundColor: '#F3650C'

// Simulated API response
setTimeout(() => {
    // Just set the new message(s) with `updateMessages` method
    marketStocks.updateMessages("EUR/USD 1.18664 0 0% · USD/JPY 110.399 0.06 0.05% · GBP/USD 1.38902 0 0% · EUR/JPY 130.9959 0.109 0.08% · GBP/JPY 153.3323 0.116 0.08% · USD/CAD 1.24481 -0.001 -0.08% · XAU/USD 1806.7484 -0.684 -0.04% · AUD/USD 0.74878 0.001 0.13% · USD/CHF 0.91462 -0.001 -0.11% · NZD/USD 0.69921 0.001 0.14%");
}, 3000);




iOS Screen - Example

* low framerate gif

Installation in Alloy Apps

For Alloy projects drop ti.scroller in /app/lib folder.

└─ lib
   └─ ti.scroller.js

In your View file, create a ScrollingView Alloy element and add a module attribute like this module="ti.scroller".

You can set any of the supported attributes directly in the ScrollingView.

IMPORTANT: For multiple messages you'll need to separate them with the | symbol like shown below.

        <Window title="ti.scroller">
            <ScrollingView id="scrollingMessage" module='ti.scroller' backgroundColor="#c91326" label="Famous Quotes:" speed="4" delay="2" height="32" random="true" top="0" font.fontFamily="Gill Sans" font.fontWeight="semibold" font.fontSize="16" message="Whoever is happy will make others happy too. - Anne Frank|It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. - Aristotle|Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. - Margaret Mead" />


iOS Screen - Example

* low framerate gif

In your controller you can call any of the available methods: update, udpateLabel, updateMessage/updateMessages, updateBackground, pause or resume at anytime.

    top: 48,
    delay: 3,
    label: 'Appcelerator:',
    message: 'Build great mobile experiences faster - Native apps. Mobile APIs. Real-time analytics. One Platform'

Important consideration

To prevent unexpected behaviors, the following events have been added to the library:

  • paused event: In order to pause the scrolling effect while the app is in the background
  • resume event: To resume scrolling when in the foreground.

They will handle every scrolling view created in your app.

Ti.App.addEventListener('paused', function() {
    // Automatically `pauses` every scrolling view created
    // when your app goes to the background

Ti.App.addEventListener('resume', function() {
    // Automatically `resumes` every scrolling view created
    // when your app comes to the foreground


You can customize the text color, background color, vertical position, font size, font weight, font family, scrolling speed, delay between messages, autoplay messages, random order display, side label text, name and debug mode with the following properties:

  • name
  • color
  • label
  • delay
  • speed
  • debug
  • height
  • random
  • autoplay
  • top/bottom
  • backgroundColor
  • message/messages
  • font object with fontSize, fontWeight, fontFamily

Content Properties

message/messages : array

The text to display can be set with message or messages property using an array ( for a single message you can set it using a string ).

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    messages: [
        'Every moment is a fresh beginning. – T.S Eliot',
        'Change the world by being yourself. – Amy Poehler',
        'Love For All, Hatred For None. – Khalifatul Masih III'

label : string

To display a left-side label set the label property.

Defaults to: null

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    label: 'Breaking News:',

Design Properties

color : string

Color for the text message(s) and side label in hex value.

Defaults to: #fff

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    color: '#79a342',

backgroundColor : string

Background color for the scrolling view, as a hex triplet.

Defaults to: #BF000000

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    backgroundColor: '#53606b',

height : number/string

ScrollingView height, in platform-specific units.

Defaults to: 28dp

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    height: 44

Font Object

Set a font object to set the following properties:

fontFamily: string

Specifies the font family or specific font to use.

Defaults: Uses the default system font

fontSize: Number/String

Font size, in platform-dependent units.

Defaults: 14dp

fontWeight: string

Font weight. Valid values are "bold", "semibold", "normal", "thin", "light" and "ultralight".

The "semibold", "thin", "light" and "ultralight" weights are recognized on iOS only. "thin", "light" and "ultralight" are only available on iOS 8.2 and later.

Defaults: normal

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    font: {
        fontSize: 16,
        fontWeight: 'bold',
        fontFamily: 'Gill Sans'

Positioning Properties

top or bottom : number/string

The scrolling view's top OR bottom position. This position is relative to the scrolling view's parent.

You can use px, % or dp values.

Defaults to: undefined

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    top: 44,
    // OR
    bottom: 0

Behavior properties

autoplay : boolean

You can turn off automatic playing by setting the autoplay property to false.

Defaults to: true

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    autoplay: false,

delay : number

Pause the animation between messages in seconds.

Defaults to: 0

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    delay: 3,

speed : number

The speed of the scrolling text, a constant speed no matter the text length, the higher the number the faster the scrolling speed.

Defaults to: 5

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    speed: 7,

random : boolean

To display the messages in random order set random to true.

Defaults to: false

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    random: true,

Update Methods

There are 4 methods to update the content and properties at any time.

  • update()
  • updateLabel()
  • updateBackground()
  • updateMessage() or updateMessages()


Is a general purpose method to change any or all of the following properties:

  • name
  • color
  • label
  • delay
  • speed
  • debug
  • height
  • random
  • autoplay
  • top or bottom
  • backgroundColor
  • message or messages
  • fontFamily, FontSize, fontWeight

When updating the message ( or messages ), the text will be shown after completing the currently running message.

    top: 0,
    delay: 0,
    speed: 10,
    label: 'Appcelerator:',
    message: 'Build great mobile experiences faster - Native apps. Mobile APIs. Real-time analytics. One Platform',
    font: {
        fontWeight: 'bold'


If you need to update only the message or messages, you can use the updateMessage or updateMessages methods.

You can use either of them with a string or an array.

The updated text will be shown after completing the currently running message.

scrollingMessage.updateMessage('Build great mobile experiences faster - Native apps. Mobile APIs. Real-time analytics. One Platform');

scrollingMessage.updateMessages( [
    'Build: Write in JavaScript, run native on any device and OS',
    'Connect: Get mobile-optimized access to any data source',
    'Measure: See usage & adoption, detect crashes, tune performance'


This method will instantly update the label property.

If the scrolling view does not originally contained a label, it will be add it automatically.

scrollingMessage.updateLabel('Breaking News:');


Use it to change the scrolling view's background color, including the label property if available.


Debug Mode

name : string

In order to identify each Scrolling View while debuging, you can set the name property at initialization.

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    name: 'My Scrolling View',
<ScrollingView id="scrollingMessage" module='ti.scroller' name="My Scrolling View" />

When you enable debug mode you'll see multiple outputs with the name of the Scrolling View.

[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Add side label
[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Apply properties to side label
[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Apply properties to scrolling view’s label
[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Apply properties to scrolling view
[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Play method
[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Update messages method
[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Complete event
[WARN]  :: ti.scroller :: My Scrolling View: Play method

If no name is set, the output will be its id, and if none is set, it will generate an internal one.

debug : bollean

You can debug the scrolling view by setting the debug property to true at initialization or with the update() method.

Defaults to: false

let scrollingMessage = new ScrollingView({
    debug: true,

// OR
    debug: true
<ScrollingView id="scrollingMessage" module='ti.scroller' debug="true" />

To turn it off

    debug: false

// OR
    debug: false


Copyright 2021 César Estrada

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.

See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A simple library to create a marquee-like elements in your Appcelerator Titanium Apps for both Classic and Alloy projects.







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