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Development machine for the backend team

We use docker as our main development environment, it helps us maintain consistency between dev and production environments, if this is your first steps into docker world, please read this article about docker and how different it is from virtual machines and then come back and proceed.

1. Installing the tools:

  • first you need to install Homebrew and Cask, you can do so by running following commands in sequence 
xcode-select --install
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

brew doctor //this is just to make sure Homebrew installed successfully

brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install cask
  • Then you need to install virtualbox, since our docker's setup relies on a virtual machine that is powered by virtualbox, if you have it installed you can skip this step otherwise open up your terminal and run this command:
brew cask install virtualbox
  • Then install docker and its tools if you have it installed you can skip this step otherwise  run this command:
brew install docker docker-compose docker-machine
  • Then install docker credentials helper  if you have it installed you can skip this step otherwise run this command:
brew install docker-credential-helper

2. Prepare the workspace:

To create the workspace directory run the following command

mkdir ~/Workspace/medev

now lets make sure that we have the write permission on the workspace

sudo chmod 777 ~/Workspace/medev

now lets cd in

cd ~/Workspace/medev

now lets clone the medev-machine repository

git clone

cd to it 

cd medev-machine

Make sure that you are on master branch

3. Creating the virtual machine:

  • To create the virtual machine with the name dev using the following command
docker-machine create --driver virtualbox --virtualbox-cpu-count 4 --virtualbox-memory "8096" --virtualbox-disk-size "20000" dev

now lets make sure that the machine is running

docker-machine start dev
  • Now lets do some clean up and preparations for mounting the projects properly by running these commands one after another
docker-machine stop dev
VBoxManage sharedfolder remove dev --name Users
VBoxManage sharedfolder add dev --name Users --hostpath /Users --automount
docker-machine start dev
  • Now lets create the projects directories and mount them properly to NFS file system plus adding their DNS info to the hosts file this can be done using the script, can be executed using the following command
sudo ./

to know your machine's ip address run the following command,

docker-machine ip dev

if the ip doesn't equal to, it means that something went wrong, you have to start over, otherwise continue

  • Now you need to restart the virtual machine and remount the the project directories to the NFS
docker-machine restart dev
sudo ./
  • If you already have a docker account you can skip signing up, otherwise got to and create your account after that run the following command and login with your credentials
docker login

now lets make sure that the the projects directories are mounted properly by running the script again

sudo ./
  • Now lets prepare the env variables by running the below two commands one after another
docker-machine env dev
eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
  • Final step is to start the container and the services with the following command 
docker-compose up -d
  • To ssh into the machine use the following command
ssh [email protected] -p 2222