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A react component that renders an accessible accordion.


$ npm install @moxy/react-accordion

This library is written in modern JavaScript and is published in both CommonJS and ES module transpiled variants. If you target older browsers please make sure to transpile accordingly.


An accordion allows users to toggle the display of content sections. This package was created to make it easier to implement an accordion with accessible navigation.


import React from 'react';
import { Accordion, AccordionItem } from '@moxy/react-accordion';

const MyComponent = () => {
        <Accordion defaultActiveItems={ [0, 1] } multiple scrollIntoView>
            <AccordionItem title="Foo">
            <AccordionItem title="Foo1">

To import a stylesheet, one can import it on the project's entry CSS file:

/* src/index.css */
@import "@moxy/react-accordion/dist/index.css";

Or in the project's entry JavaScript file:

/* src/index.js */
import "@moxy/react-accordion/dist/index.css";


These are the props available in @moxy/react-accordion.

Accordion Props


Type: node | Required: true

One or more AccordionItem elements that will be rendered inside the Accordion.


Type: array | Required: false | Default: []

The indexes of the items that should be open by default.
It is necessary to have the prop multiple enabled to have more than one item open.


Type: boolean | Required: false | Default: false

Whether or not multiple items can be open at the same time.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the accordion container.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the accordion container when all the items are closed.


Type: function | Required: false | Arguments: index: Number, options: { active: Boolean }

Callback to be invoked before an item is opened or closed.

AccordionItem Props


Type: any | Required: true

The content of the title.


Type: node or function | Required: false

The content of the item.

Example with function:

<AccordionItem { ...props }>
    { ({ isActive }) => isActive ? 'Open' : 'Closed' }

⚠️ All the following props can be defined at the Accordion level whenever you want a specific prop to be the same for all accordion items.

Keep in mind that if you define a prop in Accordion and in an AccordionItem, the one that will be used is the AccordionItem one.


Type: number | Required: false | Default: 300

Duration of the animation for both opening and closing states.


Type: string | Required: false | Default: ease-in-out

Type of animation easing for both opening and closing states.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the item container.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the heading container.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the title.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the content container.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the content.


Type: string | Required: false

A className to apply to the icon container.


Type: any | Required: false

The content of the icon.


$ npm test
$ npm test -- --watch # during development


A demo Next.js project is available in the /demo folder so you can try out this component.

First, build the react-accordion project with:

$ npm run build

To run the demo, do the following inside the demo's folder:

$ npm i
$ npm run dev

Note: Everytime a change is made to the package a rebuild is required to reflect those changes on the demo.


I can't override the component's CSS, what's happening?

There is an ongoing next.js issue about the loading order of modules and global CSS in development mode. This has been fixed in v9.3.6-canary.0, so you can either update next.js to a version higher than v9.3.5, or simply increase the CSS specificity when overriding component's classes, as we did in the demo, e.g. having the page or section CSS wrap the component's one.


Released under the MIT License.