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adidas Coding Challenge


This challenge defines a simple cloud scenario using Spring Cloud and Docker. The elements of this scenario are the following:

  • mongodb: A simple mongodb instance, used by flight-data microservice to obtain the flights data.
  • config-server: Server used by the rest of the apps to obtain their properties.
  • eureka-server: Discovery and Registry server. Each instance of each microservice will register itself on this server. The gateway server will use this registry to know if a microservice is alive.
  • security-server: Authentication service. Creates and checks a JWT token. Zuul will use this server to validate the user credentials every time it receives a request.
  • zuul-server: Gateway server. Main entry point for the infrastructure. It checks the user credentials, performs security access and redirects each request to the corresponding microservice. Also, exposes a Hystrix dashboard and a Swagger UI.
  • flight-data: Microservice that exposes an endpoint to obtain the flight data present on mongo.
  • flight-info: Microservice that exposes two endpoints to get the shortest and quickest route/s between two airports. All the business logic is here.

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Newest technologies and features have been used when developing this challenge. Thus, Spring Boot version 2 is used, same as Spring Cloud. Also, flight-data and flight-info expose its endpoints using non-blocking WebFlux.

The base stack is the following:

  • Java8
  • Spring Boot 2.0.2
  • Spring Cloud 2.0.0
  • io.jsonwebtoken
  • Project Lombok
  • MongoDB
Spring Boot 2.0.2

The reason to choose Spring Boot 2.0.2 is because Spring Boot provides a fast development experience using Spring. It configures many things out-of-the-box, saving a lot of time when starting a new project. Also, this version includes the last release of Spring, version 5. Among the new features, one of the most interesting is Webflux, which allows to develop REST services in a non-blocking way, providing high scalability.

Spring Cloud 2.0.0

Spring Cloud has been chose because it´s the simple option to go if Spring Boot is used. The integration is seamless. It provides a config server, a discovery server, a gateway server and fallback mechanisms.


One of the most popular libraries when handling JWT tokens. Hides the complexity of the tokens, and provides a fluent API.

Project Lombok

By using annotations, it generates setters, getters, constructors, performs null checks... While Spring reduces the boilerplate of JEE, Project Lombok reduces the boilerplate of Java POJOs.


The election of MongoDB was because it´s a fast database with a distributed nature. MongoDB automatically maintains replica sets, multiple copies of data that are distributed across servers, racks and data centers for high availability.


The given solution proposes the creation of a graph of flights. This graph is created by establishing a series of relationships among the airports instances. Each airport will contain a list of destination airports, and each airport in that list, will contain its own list of destinations airports. This graph is created by the method ItineraryFacadeImpl.buildFlightGraph alt text

To find the routes, what the code does is look for all possible paths between the departure and destination airports. Method getRoutes on RouteFinderTemplate is the one that finds these paths. It begins by finding the departure airport in the graph, and iterating among its destinations objects. For every destination, the method iterateOverChild is called. And so it goes. If a destination object has destinations as well, iterateOverChild method will be called recursively until there are no more destinations.

Design Patterns

To code the logic a few design patterns have been used. These are the following: Strategy, Template and Facade. All of these patterns are present in flight-info microservice, which is the one that performs all the business logic of the challenge.

  • Template Pattern defines base methods to obtain all the possible routes between two airports. Subclasses of RouteFinderTemplate must implement the method getResult. This method takes a list of RouteDto as argument, and its purpose is to return those Route object that match the desired behaviour. For example, returns the faster routes between origin and destination airport. This pattern allow us to create new behaviours (subclasses) without modifying the main RouteFinderTemplate class. If we would like to know which routes have the higher number of stopovers, it would be sufficient to create a new class LongestRoute that inherits from RouteFinderTemplate.

  • Strategy Pattern ItineraryFacadeImpl defines a method getItinerary that accepts a instance of RouteFinderTemplate. This is the strategy that the facade will be used to obtain the desired routes. It´s not a 100%-by-definition strategy pattern because ItineraryFacadeImpl doesn´t hold a has-a relationship with RouteFinderTemplate. But since we can dynamically choose the behaviour, it qualifies as a Strategy pattern. The benefits of this pattern is that we can create new strategies (LongestRoute!) and the ItineraryFacadeImpl class will remain the same.

  • Facade Pattern ItineraryFacadeImpl class provides a simple interface for its clients. In this case FlightInfoServiceImpl just have to call ItineraryFacadeImpl.getItinerary method. The client doesn´t know, and doesn´t care, about all the logic of creating the flights graph, calling the strategy method... This pattern makes the code more readable and easier to test and provides loose coupling between the client and the business logic.

How it works

The cloud scenario works this way:

  • Config server Provides config properties for every application. To avoid using a Git server, a local file configuration has been selected.

  • Eureka server Provides a discovery server, so Zuul can be able to redirect the incoming requests.

  • Security server Creates and checks a JWT token. This token will be created and obtained from an HTTP Header, by default named Authorization (although his value can be changed on config-server security props) Bear in mind that security server just performs authentication, doesn´t perform authorization. Zuul is the one that does that!

  • Zuul server Being the main entry point, it has a lots of responsabilities. Acts as gateway. Is the only one that is exposed to the exterior. The rest of the elements are exposed only to the docker network (mongodb is also exposed to the exterior just to facilite the management of the flight data, but it shouldn´t be exposed in a normal scenario). For every request, Zuul will check if the request has a JWT token. If it does, Zuul will call security-server to validate the authenticity of this token. If security-server returns a 200, the token is valid an Zuul will decode it to create an SecurityContext, so Spring Security could perform the authorization. Because it´s the only one exposed to the exterior, is the logical place to provide a Hystrix dashboard and a Swagger UI. From here, it´s possible to access the different microservices hystrix streams and Swagger apidocs. Zuul only has route capabilities to security-server (so users can login) and flight-info. flight-data is not mapped so it cannot be accesible from the exterior. This election was motivated to keep the data as isolated as possible. If any of this services fail, Hystrix (DefaultHystrixFallback) will come into play and a default response will be returned. Furthermore, thanks to Eureka, Zuul can use Ribbon to perform load balanced requests. If there are more than one instance of a service, Ribbon will decide which one will be called.

  • flight-data Exposes an endpoint that returns the flight data stored on MongoDB. Only exposes a GET operation, but it could also be used to create a whole CRUD. Both its endpoints and the mongodb connection are non-blocking.

  • flight-info Exposes two endpoints to obtain the shortests and quickest routes. It calls flight-data service to get the flights, and perform the logic described in Solution. It uses Hystrix as a fallback mechanism when calling flight-data, so its stream could be seen on Zuul´s Hystrix console. Also, any exception thrown inside will be handled by a @RestControllerAdvice so the user will never get an ugly java exception.

How to start

There are a few tools that must be installed in the computer prior to run and execute the challenge. These tools are Docker, Maven and Java.

In a UNIX environment, just execute the script When the script finishes, simply start the docker containers.

In a Windows environment, execute mvn clean package and then create the docker containers by executing these commands:

$ docker build -t adidas/config-server:1.0.0 ./config-server
$ docker build -t adidas/eureka-server:1.0.0 ./eureka-server
$ docker build -t adidas/security-server:1.0.0 ./security-server
$ docker build -t adidas/zuul-server:1.0.0 ./zuul-server
$ docker build -t adidas/flight-data:1.0.0 ./flight-data
$ docker build -t adidas/flight-info:1.0.0 ./flight-info

Finally, execute the following command:

$ docker-compose up --no-start

At least, config-server, eureka-server and zuul-server containers must be started at all times. The rest of the containers, are optional. For example, keeping flight-data stopped and starting flight-info will let see the Hystrix flight-info working at its best.

In order to perform requests, the user must be authenticated. Start security-server, if not started yet, and use Postman, or your favourite tool, to perform a request to http://localhost:8000/auth/login. The body must be a JSON like this { "user": "admin", "password": "password"} The response of this request will contain an Authorization header. From now on, use this header in every request you dispatch.

We mentioned before the posibility of having a look at flight-info Hystryx stream. Just start flight-info container, and launch a request to http://localhost:8000/flightsInfo/quickest. You will need to send a JSON body. Luckily for us, the definition of this JSON can be seen on the SwaggerUI (http://localhost:8000/swagger-ui.html, you may need to refresh in you get an error). Before dispatching, go to http://localhost:8000/hystrix, insert http://localhost:8000/flightsInfo/actuator/ in the text input and click on 'Monitor Stream'. Now, send a few requests! Keep in mind that this url is obtained via Zuul, so it will only work as expected when only one instance of flight_info is alive.

Please, notice that you may need to try several times until Ribbon Load Balancing refreshes its configuration, every 30 seconds by default. You can have a look at Zuul Hystrix stream to know whether the flight-info instance is working or not http://localhost:8000/actuator/


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