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Utility and Library for decoding and converting stalcraft asset files, such as models and textures, into popular formats.

Designed for artworks creation.

For answers to common questions, please refer to FAQ section.

You can download executable from Releases page.



Do not use game assets directly.
Any changes in game client can be detected.

📁 Formats

Type Source Output
Model .mcsa / .mcvd .obj, .dae, ms3d, .txt
Texture .ol .dds
Image .mic .png


  • Versions supported: 7.0, 8.0, 10.0, 11.0
  • Skeleton and Animations currently unsupported


  • Formats supported: DXT1, DXT3, DXT5, RGBA8, BGRA8, DXN_XY
  • Formats supported partially: Cubemaps (HDRI)
  • Formats unsupported: RGBA32F
  • Some normal map textures can be inverted

💻 CLI Utility

From bash:

scfile [FILES]... [OPTIONS]


You can just drag and drop one or multiple files onto scfile.exe.


  • FILES: List of file paths to be converted. Multiple files should be separated by spaces. Accepts both full and relative paths. Only one directory can be specified.


  • -F, --formats: Preferred format for models. To specify multiple formats, option must be used multiple times.
  • -O, --output: One path to output directory. If not specified, file will be saved in same directory with a new suffix.


  • --subdir: Recreates input subdirectories to output directory.
  • --no-overwrite: Do not overwrite output file if already exists.
  • --silent: Suppress all console prints.


  1. Convert model with specified formats

    scfile model.mcsa -F obj -F dae

    Will be saved in same location with a new suffix.

  2. Convert multiple files to a specified directory:

    scfile model1.mcsa model2.mcsa -O path/to/output
  3. Convert all .mcsa files in current directory:

    scfile *.mcsa

    Will be saved in same location. Subdirectories are not included.

  4. Convert all .mcsa files with subdirectories to a specified directory:

    scfile path/to/files/**/*.mcsa -O path/to/output --subdir

📚 Library


pip install sc-file -U


Simple Method

from scfile import convert

# Output path is optional.
# Defaults to source path with new suffix.
convert.mcsa_to_obj("path/to/model.mcsa", "path/to/model.obj")
convert.ol_to_dds("path/to/texture.ol", "path/to/")
convert.mic_to_png("path/to/image.mic", "path/to/image.png")

# Skeleton support via MilkShape3D
convert.mcsa_to_ms3d("path/to/model.mcsa", "path/to/model.ms3d")
convert.mcsa_to_ms3d_ascii("path/to/model.mcsa", "path/to/model.txt")

# Or determinate it automatically"path/to/model.mcsa")

Advanced Examples

  • Default usage
from import ModelData
from scfile.file import McsaDecoder, ObjEncoder

mcsa = McsaDecoder("model.mcsa")
data: ModelData = mcsa.decode()
mcsa.close() # ? Necessary to close decoder

obj = ObjEncoder(data)
obj.encode().save("model.obj") # ? Buffer closes after save
  • Use encoded content bytes
obj = ObjEncoder(data) # ? data - ModelData from McsaDecoder
obj.encode() # ? Write bytes into buffer

with open("model.obj", "wb") as fp:
    fp.write(obj.content) # ? obj.content - Encoder buffer bytes

obj.close() # ? Necessary to close encoder
  • Use convert methods


Unclosed buffer can cause memory leaks.
When using convert_to or to_xxx methods, encoder buffer remains open.
close() or save() or another context (with) is necessary.

mcsa = McsaDecoder("model.mcsa")
mcsa.convert_to(ObjEncoder).save("model.obj") # ? Encoder buffer closes after save
mcsa.close() # ? Necessary to close decoder
mcsa = McsaDecoder("model.mcsa")
mcsa.to_obj().save("model.obj") # ? Encoder buffer closes after save
mcsa.close() # ? Necessary to close decoder
  • Use context manager (with)
with McsaDecoder("model.mcsa") as mcsa:
    data: ModelData = mcsa.decode()

with ObjEncoder(data) as obj:
  • Use context manager + convert methods
with McsaDecoder("model.mcsa") as mcsa:
    obj = mcsa.convert_to(ObjEncoder)
    obj.close() # ? Necessary to close encoder


with McsaDecoder("model.mcsa") as mcsa:
    mcsa.to_obj().save("model.obj") # ? Encoder buffer closes after save
  • Save multiple copies
with McsaDecoder("model.mcsa") as mcsa:
    with mcsa.to_obj() as obj:
        obj.save_as("model_1.obj") # ? Encoder buffer remains open after save_as
    # ? Encoder buffer closes after end of context (with)

🛠️ Build

  1. Download project

    git clone
    cd sc-file
  2. Recommended to create virtual environment

    python -m venv .venv
  3. Install dependencies

    via poetry

    poetry install

    or via pip

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run script to compile

    python scripts/

    Executable file scfile.exe will be created in /dist directory.