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The Mobius Workflow

Petter Måhlén edited this page Jan 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

While developing the Mobius framework, we often found ourselves using real problems as examples when teaching how to use Mobius. After a while, we noticed that we always used the same structure to model the problems and, as a consequence, everyone in the team got a better understanding of what they were trying to solve and many edge-cases were discovered early on.

A couple of teams started using this process as a tool to explore requirements early on in the project and use the findings to plan what to do, and their efforts have been successful. We call this process the Mobius workflow, and it’s the recommended approach when planning and designing Mobius loops. Furthermore, it is recommended to take this approach as a team and involve everyone with different backgrounds.

Through this collaboration on requirements discovery and planning, everyone on team ends up with a shared understanding and clarity on what the desired outcome is and since the output is directly translatable into a Mobius implementation, no details are lost in translation. Moreover, collaborative modeling enables the team to uncover edge-cases and specify how those should be dealt with.

Step 1: Model it (a.k.a MoFlow)

When defining your Mobius Update function, start by determining what it'll describe. Consider Init/Update functions as a behavior specification for your program. In order to articulate this behavior, you need to:

  1. Establish a lexicon that can be used to describe your behavior accurately
  2. Create the model that describes your program’s state

We’ve found that this step is usually most efficient when people from different disciplines participate. Doing this first step in a group setting using a whiteboard helps the team figure out all the required events for their particular domain.

As previously mentioned, Events in Mobius can be used to represent:

  1. User Interactions
  2. Effects Feedback
  3. External Events

These event categories can be used as a guide for establishing the necessary constructs of a Mobius program.

Define external events

Start by identifying external events that provide you with necessary information about the environment your program is running in. For example, it must have internet connectivity to be able to load data from backend. Therefore, you can start by adding an event that notifies your update function of internet connectivity changes.

Events Model Effects

Capture user interactions

Next you should define user interaction events. Think button taps, navigation, and user input. Take a close look at the designs you have and add an event for every interaction that a user can have with your app. For example, in our login loop a user can input their email and password, they can also tap the Login button and they can choose to navigate to the restore password screen.

Events Model Effects

Define effects

At this point, you’ll start to see some effects that you would like to have as a result of the user interacting with your program. Add these effects to the effects column. In the login example, whenever the user clicks on the login button, the program is supposed to attempt logging in. Whenever the user clicks on the forgot password button, a restore password screen is supposed to appear.

Events Model Effects
InternetStateChanged AttemptLogin
EmailInputChanged ShowRestorePasswordScreen

Define your model

By this point, you have defined a set of events and effects. However, in most cases, events cannot directly result in effects and that is why your Update function takes two arguments; the current model and the event. Your model should represent the state of your feature. It should contain all the information necessary to help you make decisions about whether to dispatch effects and what the next state of your system should be.

In our example, we see that in order to log in:

  • It is necessary to be online.
  • It is necessary to have an email and a password.
  • It is necessary to keep track of whether there’s a login attempt in progress to avoid unnecessary further attempts until the current attempt has completed. Furthermore, this piece of information can be used to inform the user about the login attempt in progress.
  • Finally, it is desirable that the login button is only enabled when there is a valid email and password, so we need to keep track of that in our model as well
Events Model Effects
InternetStateChanged online?
EmailInputChanged ShowRestorePasswordScreen

Define effects feedback events

Once you have the model structure that will allow you to make decisions about dispatching effects in place, you can move on to defining the third kind of events: effect feedback (note that not all effects must necessarily generate feedback events). In our example, we see that of the two effects we have defined, only the AttemptLogin effect could generate feedback events: LoginSuccessful and LoginFailed.

Events Model Effects
InternetStateChanged online?
EmailInputChanged ShowRestorePasswordScreen

Each time you add events, you should go back to the Effect definition step until you’ve defined all events and effects for your domain and expanded your model to contain the required information for processing all events and dispatching all effects. In our example, we see that we can add a couple of more effects to respond to the LoginSuccessful and LoginFailed events.

Events Model Effects
InternetStateChanged online?
EmailInputChanged ShowRestorePasswordScreen
PasswordInputChanged NavigateToHome
LoginButtonClicked ShowErrorToast

Step 2: Describe it

Now that you have established all the necessary details that are required to write your behavior specification, you can start building your Update function.

Building an Update function comprises the following steps:

  1. Think of a scenario that your tests need to cover, eg.

given that the user is offline

when the login button is clicked

then show an error message

  1. Create/modify your Event, Effect, and Model types
interface Event_dataenum {
  // ...
  dataenum_case LoginButtonClicked();
  // ...

interface Effect_dataenum {
  // ...
  dataenum_case ShowErrorToast(String message);
  // ...

static abstract class Model {
  // ...
  public abstract boolean connected();
  // ...
  1. Write tests for the scenario
      Effect.showErrorToast("must be online to log in")
  1. Change the code in your Update function to make the new tests pass
// ...

if (event.isLoginButtonClicked() && !model.connected()) {
  return dispatch(effects(Effect.showErrorToast("must be online to log in")));

// ...
  1. Repeat steps 1 through 4 until you’ve exhausted all scenarios

  2. Think of some unlikely scenarios and write some more tests!

This step is really about solidifying what you’ve captured in the first step. It’ll also help you find out if you’ve missed certain behaviors or if some behaviors conflict with others. It also helps you validate the completeness of your model. Once you’re done writing your tests and Update function, you would have described in detail how your program will behave and answered all unknown questions early on. This step usually doesn’t take more than a day since it is relatively easy to write Update functions thanks to their pure nature.

Step 3: Plan it

Now that you’ve defined your Events, Effects, Model and Update, you can use this information to derive tasks that describe what work needs to be done for your project. You’ll notice that most of the things that you need to build will produce one or more of the Events that you’ve defined. We recommend that you cross-check your list of events and determine what components you need to build to produce these events. The idea is to define tasks for building the blocks that interact with your Update function.

Event sources

Start with your EventSources which provide your external events. In our example, we had only one event that is categorized as external: InternetStateChanged. So we know that we’ll have to add a task for building that EventSource.

Effects and their feedback events

Once you’ve created tasks for the external event sources, move on to Effects. We’ve found that it is best to create an effect handler per effect. Create a task for each of your effects and associate their feedback events with that task.

User interaction events

This is where you start breaking up your UI into tasks. If your UI is simple, you could potentially have only one task for building it. However, for complex UIs we recommend dividing them into smaller pieces and associating events with each of these pieces.

Now that you’ve defined your different tasks, you can group them together to create user stories that you can add to your project tracking tool. This process works whether you use Scrum, Kanban or any other agile (or even waterfall) process framework since it produces a list of the work that needs to happen, but it lets you decide how to manage the building process the way you like. Furthermore, you can use the tasks that you’ve made to identify dependencies you may have on other work that needs to be dealt with before you start.

Step 4: Build it

Time to write some more code! Check out the getting started guide for examples on how to build effect handlers and connect your UI to Mobius.