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A pizza ordering system, written on Node, Express, PostgreSQL, React, Docker, Jest, Cypress

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MoJaams 🍕🍕🍕

Deployed the solution in an ec2 instance; you can check out from here -


Pizza ordering services with the following functionality:

  1. Order a pizza:
    • Specify the desired pizza type (margarita, marinara, salami), the number of pizza items and their size (small, medium, large). Example: 1 x Salami small, 2 x Marinara large, 1 x Salami medium
    • An order should contain information about the customer: name, address
    • It should be possible to track the status of order delivery. (new, preparing, delivering, delivered)
  2. Update an order:
    • There should be a possibility to update the order details (pizzas/number of pizzas/size)
    • There should be a possibility to change the status of order delivery
    • An order in some delivery statuses (e.g. delivered) could not be updated
  3. Remove an order
  4. Retrieve an order
  5. List orders
    • Provide filtering by status/customer

💾 Database Modelling

I've created 5 tables for the solution of the task. Used sequelize with PostgreSQL for migration, seed, and querying from the tables.

  1. Items for storing pizza-items related information i.e. name and status. The default status of each item is active. We can inactive a particular item so that end-users won't see a particular item.
  2. Variants for storing different variations e.g. large, medium, etc. Here, we have only the name field.
  3. ItemVariants is the table to normalize the many-many relationship between Items and Variants; here we'll have itemId, variantId and status to identify each item variation. Now, this table has one-to-many relationship with the other two tables. For simplicity, I'm assuming that each item will have at least one variant!
  4. Orders to keep customer information i.e. name and address and the status of the order. The initial status of each order is pending.
  5. OrderItems is to store all the order-items and their quantity. Each order-item has a status so that an order-item can be canceled separately.

⚙️ Backend

  • express.js: To develop the RESTful API service
  • joi: To create my own validator middleware for request object validation
    • Created a global error-handler along with extending the Error object to create a customError
  • jest and supertest: For unit-testing the services and integration testing the routes/end-points

Folder Structure

filename description
bin/www contains the server
config/config.json sequelize config file
src/__tests__ contains all the unit-tests and integration-tests
src/controllers defines all the end-points
src/middlewares contains all the middlewares
src/migrations all the migration files generated by sequelize
src/models contains data-models of each table
src/seeders seed-data to initialize the database with dummy data
src/services contains all the business-logics for controllers


I've used postman during my API-services development time; here's the collection that might help you to test the _API_s easily: MoJaams Postman API Collection

  1. Get item list filtered with status (optional, if not sent fetch all items regardless of the status)
GET :: /api/v1/items?status=active
  1. Create a single item; just need to send the name
POST :: /api/v1/items
  1. Create a variant with a name; same as the item creation
POST :: /api/v1/variants
  1. Retrieve information of a single variant
GET :: /api/v1/variants/:variantId
  1. Get all the item-variants filtered with status
GET :: /api/v1/item-variants
  1. Create a order with customerName, customerAddress and items
POST :: /api/v1/orders
  1. Get order-list filtered-by status and customerName; support of pagination
GET :: /api/v1/orders
  1. Retrieve a particular order detail
GET :: /api/v1/orders/:orderId
  1. Update particular order information; also update order-items information
PATCH :: /api/v1/orders/:orderId

To remove an order we can use the patch API to update the status to canceled


I wrote extensive unit-tests and integration-tests for the create-order APIs and services. I also wrote a few unit-tests for items and item-variants services. Here's the code-coverage report -

Code coverage report of Backend service


  • create-react-app: To bootstrap the project
  • prop-types: For static type checking for all the components
  • use-http: For data-fetching purpose
  • cypress, jest: For snapshot-tests and end-to-end tests

As the main task is to build a simplified UI to place an order; I didn't use react-router, I believe it could be an overkill for this task. Also, I didn't use any state management tools e.g. redux/mobx. The amount of data/state we had to manage for this task is too little to jump into configuring redux.

Folder Structure

Everything under src directory -

filename description
cypress/e2e contains e2e test specs
src/__tests__ contains all the snapshot-tests
src/components contains all components
src/App.js root component; container-component
src/App.css all the styles


Used jest and react-test-render to write snapshot tests for all the components. Wrote a cypress spec for app.js to test the whole end-to-end test of the order creation process. Here's the snap video:


🏃🏼Running Project (Locally)

First, we need to clone the repo -

git clone [email protected]:uraniumreza/MoJaams.git

Then, we'll build our docker containers -

docker-compose up --build

Wait for our docker containers to be up! And then we'll run the database creation (both dev and test), migration and seed scripts -

docker exec --user postgres mojaams_db /bin/sh -c 'createdb mojaams_test; createdb mojaams_dev;'
docker exec mojaams_backend /bin/sh -c "npx sequelize-cli db:migrate; npx sequelize-cli db:seed:all;"

So, our services are up; we can test - MoJaams

Running Tests


docker exec mojaams_backend /bin/sh -c "npm test"


SnapShot tests: docker exec mojaams_frontend /bin/sh -c "cd app; npm test;"
E2E test: docker exec mojaams_frontend /bin/sh -c "cd app; npm run test:e2e;"


A pizza ordering system, written on Node, Express, PostgreSQL, React, Docker, Jest, Cypress






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