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Security: vvbbnn00/onedrive-index





  1. 发送电子邮件至[email protected],描述您发现的漏洞细节。请尽可能提供具体信息,以便我们能够快速理解和复现该漏洞。

  2. 我们将在收到您的邮件后尽快回复,并与您进一步确认漏洞细节。

  3. 请您在漏洞报告中提供您的联系方式,以便我们在需要进一步沟通时能够与您取得联系。

  4. 我们承诺在您报告漏洞后,将尽快进行修复,确保用户的数据和信息安全。

  5. 如果您愿意,我们会在确认和修复漏洞后,向您致以感谢,并将您列入致谢名单中。



Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take security and user data protection very seriously. If you discover a potential security vulnerability or issue in the project, we sincerely invite you to participate in responsible disclosure and help us improve and strengthen our security measures.

Please follow the steps below to report a vulnerability:

  1. Send an email to [email protected], describing the details of the vulnerability you have discovered. Please provide as much specific information as possible to help us understand and reproduce the issue quickly.

  2. We will respond as soon as we receive your email and work with you to verify the vulnerability.

  3. Please provide your contact information in the vulnerability report so that we can reach out to you if further communication is necessary.

  4. We commit to promptly fix for the vulnerability after it has been confirmed.

  5. If you agree, we will acknowledge your contribution and include you in the list of acknowledgments after confirming and addressing the reported vulnerability.

Please note that we do not encourage any unauthorized security testing or attacks that could harm users or systems. If you encounter any abnormal or unexpected behavior during your testing, please immediately stop and report it to us.

Thank you for contributing to our security efforts and helping us build a safer environment together!

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