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/*                                                                        */
/* miruo README                                                           */
/*                                                                        */
/*                                           Copyright (C) 2011 KLab Inc. */

[What is miruo]
miruo is a packet capture type TCP session monitor.
miruo can
- show packets grouped by TCP sessions
- show only connect-disconnect info in simple & neat style
- show TCP sessions with which segments were resent
- show TCP sessions which exceeds certain time.
- show TCP sessions which were terminated by RST
- show segments where IP fragmentation occured
- utilize files saved by tcpdump -w
- is light & run with high speed 

  $ tar zxvf miruo-x.y.z.tar.gz
  $ cd miruo-x.y.z
  $ ./configure
  $ make
  $ sudo make install

* miruo is tested on Linux only.

usage: miruo [option] [expression]
   -h, --help                     # help
   -V, --version                  # version
   -i, --interface=dev            # eth0,bond0,any...
   -v, --view-data=NUM            # 
   -T, --long-connect=time[ms]    # Threshold of connection time for lookup. Default 0ms(off)
   -t, --long-delay=time[ms]      # Threshold of long delay time for lookup. Default 0ms(off)
   -r, --retransmit=time[ms]      # Threshold of retransmit time for lookup. Default 1000ms
   -s, --stat=interval[sec]       # statistics view interval. Default 0sec(off)
   -f, --file=file                # read file(for tcpdump -w)
   -S, --syn=[0|1]                # syn retransmit lookup mode.default=1. 0=ignore 1=lookup
   -R, --rst=[0|1|2]              # rst lookup mode.default=1. (see README)
   -F, --fragment=[0|1]           # ip fragmentation lookup. default=1
   -C, --color=[0|1]              # color 0=off 1=on
   -L, --session-limit=NUM        # active session limit. Default 1024
   -l, --segment-limit=NUM        # active segment limit. Default 65536
   -m, --dpi-mode=mode            # deep packet inspection mode. (now support only http)
   -q, --quite                    # 
       --all                      # all session lookup
       --live                     # live mode(all segment lookup)

On [expression] part, you can set filter with same way as TCPdump.
However, if you set filter like "tcp[13] & 2 != 0", which filter some parts of TCP packets, you will not be able to track TCP sessions.
For filter format, please refer to man of tcpdump.

Sample for valid filter)
 # miruo -T3000 host dbserver and port 3306
This will show sessions which are connected to MYSQL more than 3 sec. 

Sample for invalid filter)
 # miruo -T3000 dst host dbserver and dst port 3306
Since it can not capture SYN/BACK, it can not trace TCP

  -h, --help
  shows help

  -V, --version
  shows version info

  -i, --interface=dev
 specify network interface. "any" is also valid.

  -v, --view-data=NUM
  when this is 0, it only shows packets that are resent/delayed and packets of connections and disconnections.
  otherwise specified, it shows other packets depends on the specified number.
  default is 0.

  -T, --long-connect=time[ms]
  sessions with connection time (from connected time to disconnected time) more than specified time will be shown.
  default is 0. Then it shows info regardless of connection time.

  -t, --long-delay=time[ms]
  shows packets with arrival time more than specified.
  default is 0. Then it shows info regardless of arrival time.

  -r, --retransmit=time[ms]
  when 0, resent TCP segments will be ignored.
  otherwise specified,it shows segments that were resent with more than specified time (milliseconds)
  default is 1000 (milliseconds)

  -s, --stat=interval[sec]
  outputs statics periodically to stderr.  
  default is 0. Then no outputs.

  -f, --file=file
  Specifies file that is saved with tcpdump -w 

  -S, --syn=[0|1]
  Detection for resending of SYN or SYN/ACK.
  0: Detection is invalid
  1: Detection is valid

  This detection works independently of "r" option.
  regardless of "r" option, when 1 is specified here, it will detect resending, while it will not detect when 1 is specified.

  -R, --rst=[0|1|2]
  Detection for sessions which was terminated with RST flag.
  0: Detection is invalid
  1: Detection is valid. However it does not detect RST after FIN is sent.
  2: Detect all RST
  default is 1

  -F, --flagment=[0|1]
  Detection for IP fragmentation
  0: Detection is invalid
  1: Detection is valid
  default is 1 

  -C, --color=[0|1]
   color display will be off when specifid 0.  
   Default is 1. However it will be 0 when stdout is saved as files or stdout is sent to other commands with pipes.
   You need to specify 1 when you want color display while using pipes to send info to grep commands.

  -L, --session-limit=NUM
  Specify concurrent session numbers miruo holds.
  This option specify the max number of miruo's internal buffer. 
  It prevents miruo from using too much memories(server resources), unintentionally by user.
     Default is 1024. If dropSession value of stats is 0, there will be no need to increase this number.

  -l, --segment-limit=NUM
  Specifies the concurrent number of segments.
  This option specify the max number of miruo's internal buffer. 
  It prevents miruo from using too much memories(server resources), unintentioned by a user.
     Default is 65536. If dropSegment value of stats is 0, there will be no need to increase this number.  

  -m, --dpi-mode=mode
  If you want to analyze payload of segments to show protocol specific information, specify the mode (protocol name).  
  http: shows HTTP request response information

  -q, --quite
 shows simple version of display
    If you prefer width shorter than 80 characters, you may want to use this option. 

  shows all sessions

  shows all packets in real time  

With s option, miruo outputs stats periodically to stderr.
Detail of each columns are as below.

===== Session Statistics =====
Captcha Time    : 00:01:03     elapsed time
Total Sessions  : 0            the number of sessions tracked
  Lookup        : 0            the number of TCP sessions showed
    LongConnect : 0            the number of sessions exceeded LongConnectTime
    LongDelay   : 0            the number of sessions exceeded LongDelayTime
    Retransmit  : 0            the number of sessions resent
    Timeout     : 0            the number of sessions timeout
    Error       : 0            the number of error with unable to track
    RST         : 0            the number of sessions reset by RST
    flagment    : 0            the number of sessions with IP fragmented
LongConnectTime : 0 [ms]       -T option set value
LongDelayTime   : 0 [ms]       -t option set value
RetransmitTime  : 1000 [ms]    -r option set value
ActiveSession   : 0            the number of TCP sessions being tracked
ActiveSessionMax: 0            the max number of TCP sessions tracked concurrently
ActiveSessionLim: 1024         the max number of TCP sessions can be tracked concurrently( with -L option)
ActiveSegment   : 0            the number of active TCP segment
ActiveSegmentMax: 0            the max number of active TCP segments required
ActiveSegmentLim: 65536        the max number of segments miruo can hold (with -l option) 
DropSession     : 0            the number of TCP sessions miruo disposed
DropSegment     : 0            the number of TCP segments miruo disposed
CPU   : 0.0%                   CPU usage of miruo
VSZ   : 6100KB                 size of virtual memory that miruo holds
RSS   : 2932KB                 size of physical memory that miruo uses

===== libpcap Statistics =====
recv  : 89                     the number of packets libpcap captured
drop  : 0                      the number of packets libpcap dropped 
ifdrop: 0                      the number of packets a interface dropped
===== Header Error Count =====
L2    : 0                      the number of times it failed to analyze datalink layer headers
IP    : 0                      the number of times it failed to analyze IP headers
TCP   : 0                      the number of times it failed to analyze TCP headers 

[Explanation on displayed result]
3615             2.196 | ==  | Total 92 segments, 43278 bytes
3615:0000 17:57:19.193 |          SYN_SENT >----S-> SYN_RECV          | 5C503355/00000000   74 - <mss=1460, sackOK, timestamp 898447130 0, wscale=7>
3615:0001 17:57:19.193 |       ESTABLISHED <-A--S-< SYN_RECV          | 6BCBB846/5C503356   74 - <mss=1460, sackOK, timestamp 899636678 898447130, wscale=7>
3615:0002 17:57:19.193 |       ESTABLISHED >-A----> ESTABLISHED       | 5C503356/6BCBB847   66 - <timestamp 898447130 899636678>
3615:0003 17:57:19.193 |       ESTABLISHED <-AP---< ESTABLISHED       | 6BCBB847/5C503356  126 - <timestamp 899636678 898447130>
3615:0004 17:57:19.193 |       ESTABLISHED >-A----> ESTABLISHED       | 5C503356/6BCBB883   66 - <timestamp 898447130 899636678>
3615:0005 17:57:19.193 |       ESTABLISHED >-AP---> ESTABLISHED       | 5C503356/6BCBB883  150 - <timestamp 898447130 899636678>
3615:****              |                                              |
3615:0085 17:57:19.265 |       ESTABLISHED <-A----< ESTABLISHED       | 6BCC1685/5C505E8E 1514 - <timestamp 899636696 898447148>
3615:0086 17:57:19.265 |       ESTABLISHED <-AP---< ESTABLISHED       | 6BCC1C2D/5C505E8E  687 - <timestamp 899636696 898447148>
3615:0087 17:57:19.265 |       ESTABLISHED >-A----> ESTABLISHED       | 5C505E8E/6BCC1E9A   66 - <timestamp 898447148 899636696>
3615:0088 17:57:21.389 |       ESTABLISHED >-AP---> ESTABLISHED       | 5C505E8E/6BCC1E9A   71 - <timestamp 898447679 899636696>
3615:0089 17:57:21.389 |         FIN_WAIT1 >-A---F> ESTABLISHED       | 5C505E93/6BCC1E9A   66 - <timestamp 898447679 899636696>
3615:0090 17:57:21.389 |         FIN_WAIT2 <-A---F< LAST_ACK          | 6BCC1E9A/5C505E94   66 - <timestamp 899637227 898447679>
3615:0091 17:57:21.389 |         TIME_WAIT >-A----> CLOSED            | 5C505E94/6BCC1E9B   66 - <timestamp 898447679 899637227>
The number on left "3615" is called "Session ID".
This value itself does not hold any meanings. Everytime new session is started,  miruo will allocate a new number, incremented internally.
The next number delimited by a colon is called "Packet ID".
The first SYN is 0 and it will increase as new packet arrives.
 "Session ID" and  "Packet ID" are unrelated parameters to TCP or IP protocols, just internally used by miruo.
So those values do not have any special meanings.
However, with sample above, it allows you to say,
"The packet of Session ID 3615, Packet ID 88 seems to take more than 2 sec to arrive"
It would make it easier to communicate with others on trouble shootings. 

Next is the time of packet capture.
The first line is session time (from connected time to disconnected time). When it exceeds the time that was set by -T option, it will be displayed.

The center part is self explanatory. 

5C503355/00000000 or 6BCBB846/5C503356 mean sequence number/response number of TCP header.

74 or 66 or 1514 mean packet size.
On some environments, it may be a value over 1514. This would be due to TOE(TCP Offload Engine), not troubles or bugs.

'-' parts shows 'F' when IP fragmentation occurs. it will not show it so when F option is set to 0.

The last parts, enclosed with <> are TCP header option.


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