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Roadmap Spyder 5x

Juanita Gomez edited this page Jun 27, 2020 · 1 revision

Roadmap for Spyder 5x

A 5.0 version will be the first release to be Python 3 only. This version will address priority enhancements from the TDK side plus additional features and bug fixes. Any features that were initially targeted for 4 but resulted in breaking or major changes will be bumped to this version.

The main changes for this new release include:

  1. New "Viewer" pane: This new plugin will allow to better integrate with libraries that require to display Html/Javascript content for interaction like Panel, Bokeh, Altair and Plotly.

  2. Multicursor: This feature will allow multiline edition on the Editor.

  3. Improvements to UX/UI: With the help of an UX expert we will evaluate Spyder's interface and come up with some improvements in terms of user experience and interactions. (The decided enhancements will be written here)

  4. Sidebar navigation Panel: This plugin will allow to show bookmarks, outline, git history and current project on it. Similar in spirit to JupyterLab sidebar.

  5. Projects enhancement: We will improve projects support and extension by:

  • Allowing to associate a conda environment per project
  • Enabling multiple project support and switching
  1. Debugger enhancement: We will implement the following features to the debugger:
  • Using '!' for debugger commands
  • Callstacks pane
  • Numbered prompts for ipdb
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